

PDH Services Quality

The Portland District Health (PDH) Quality and Governance Framework (QGF) has at its core, the four domains of quality and safety as outlined in the Victorian Department of Health’s Clinical Governance Policy Framework (2008) and reinforced by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health care, National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards, 2011.

The four elements are:

  • Consumer Participation
  • Clinical Effectiveness and Appropriateness
  • Effective Workforce
  • Risk Management

We work closely with Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care to ensure we provide a safe and quality service.

Each year Portland District Health produces a Quality of Care Report.  To access the latest report, visit the Publications page by clicking here.


Portland District Health, like all other health services, must be accredited to receive funding from the Department of Human Services and we choose to be accredited by the Australian Council on Healthcare Standards. External inspectors called surveyors check all hospitals against a range of standards examining clinical care as well as things like fire safety, waste management and compliance with legislation.

National Safety and Quality Healthcare Standards (NSQHS)

The NSQHS Standards focus on areas where harm occurs to patients; where there are variations in practice; and where there is evidence that interventions make a difference to care. The NSQHS Standards provide a framework for health services to improve patient care, and to implement relevant safety and quality systems.

The NSQHS Standards are integral for accrediting Australian hospitals and day procedure services, as they determine how, and against what standards, a health service’s performance will be assessed. The ten standards are:

Standard 1: Governance for Safety and Quality in Health Service Organisations
Standard 2: Partnering with Consumers
Standard 3: Preventing and Controlling Healthcare-Associated Infections
Standard 4: Medication Safety
Standard 5: Patient Identification and Procedure Matching
Standard 6: Clinical Handover
Standard 7: Blood and Blood Products
Standard 8: Preventing and Managing Pressure Injuries
Standard 9: Recognising and Responding to Clinical Deterioration in Acute Health Care
Standard 10: Preventing Falls and Harm from Falls.

Portland District Health also is accredited against an additional 5 standards developed by ACHS

Standard 11: Service Delivery
Standard 12: Provision of Care
Standard 13: Workforce Planning and Management
Standard 14: Information Management
Standard 15: Corporate Systems and Safety

Aged Care Accreditation

Our Aged Care service, Harbourside lodge is accredited against the 44 Aged Care Standards

Community Common Care Standards

Our Home and Community Care (HACC) services are accredited against the Community Common Care Standards (CCC). The HACC services at PDH include Allied health, District and Community nursing and Volunteer coordination. A review in August 2014 identified that PDH HACC services met all 18 of the expected outcomes.