Interim CEO
Karena Prevett
Karena commenced her role with Portland District Health in August 2017. With a Bachelor of Business/Accounting qualification, Karena has strong financial experience from both the public and private sectors. Prior to this appointment, Karena was employed in the local government sector for 13 years, most recently in the role of Director of Corporate Services. Karena has a keen interest in governance and is passionate about the delivery of quality outcomes for our community.
Director of Medical Services
Dr Andrew Walby
Andrew commenced at Portland District Health in August 2022. He originally pursued a career in Surgery but decided to specialise in Emergency Medicine. He has over two decades of Emergency Medicine experience in both the public and private sectors having worked at Western Health, St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne, John Fawkner Hospital and Epworth Hospital. Andrew has been involved in Victoria’s Health Disaster arrangements as a Field Emergency Medical Officer (FEMO) since December 2006. His medical interests include disaster medicine, patient safety, and the wellbeing of healthcare professionals to name a few.
Director of Nursing, Midwifery & Aged Care
Ros Nagorcka
Ros commenced her current role in June 2014. She has over 20 years’ experience in senior management as a Chief Executive Officer and a Director of Nursing in both the public and private health system across Australia. Ros worked in Spinal Nursing at Austin Health in the early part of her nursing career and later returned to Portland to set up and manage Quamby, Drug and Alcohol services. Ros represents PDH on a number of regional committees, including Palliative Care and Chemotherapy. Ros has a keen interest in Governance and Quality.
Director of Primary Care and Quality
Rebecca Smith
RN, MHlth Mgnt, B Soc Sc (Human Services), Grad Dip HRD, Cert IV Training & Assessment
Rebecca commenced at PDH in August 2024 taking on the newly amalgamated position.
Rebecca is a Registered Nurse with post graduate qualifications and extensive experience in managing health and aged care teams in regional and metropolitan areas within Victoria and Western Australia. Rebecca also has a strong interest and experience in leading and implementing quality and clinical governance frameworks.
Rebecca was a member of the PDH Board of Directors from 1 July 2022 to 25 June 2024.
Acting Director of Corporate Services
Annette Hinchcliffe
Annette Hinchcliffe is a dedicated long-standing staff member of PDH.