Work Experience

Work Experience

PDH is taking applications for work experience however please note the following;

 *Due to Covid 19, rules and restrictions around work experience at PDH may be reinstated at short notice and we apologise for the inconvenience this may cause.


What is the goal of work experience?

  • To experience different areas of the health care sector in a safe and supported environment

What is work experience?

  • A community initiative that involves working with local students
  • A great opportunity to experience a career for the future across the organisation
  • All placements are negotiated with student, school and the work experience coordinator

Applications open approximately February 1st and close March 29th each year.

How do I apply to do work experience at PDH?

  • You must be attending a secondary college that offers a work experience program.
  • You must download an application form from our website OR request an application form from your careers advisor at your school and once completed, submit your application form via email to attention Donna Farr
  • If you have not completed the application form, your application will not be considered.
  • Please note the duration of work experience varies depending on the availability of clinicians to support the program at the time.
  • Student numbers are limited so unfortunately we are unable to guarantee every applicant a place.


For further information please contact
Donna Farr – Work Experience Coordinator
Education department

Portland District health
ph. 55210 615