It's OK to Ask
It’s such an easy question – `can I have a referral to Portland District Health?’
PDH wants the community to know `it’s ok to ask’ and is urging more local people to ask their doctor if they can be treated locally. PDH has very good processes to ensure you will be safe in our hands or we will refer you to the service you need based on your medical needs.
Despite the convenience and safety of having procedures done locally, PDH is aware that some Portland residents are being referred out of town for operations.
In some cases people have been sent to Ballarat and Geelong for procedures that could have been done safely and quickly in Portland. This isn’t good for patients, our community or our health service.
It is also ok to ring PDH directly to check if there is a suitable surgeon or specialist who comes to PDH.
PDH’s track record is impressive and the hospital is well supported by a wide range of visiting elective surgery specialists from Hamilton, Warrnambool, Geelong, Melbourne and Adelaide. Not everything can be done locally but the hospital performs a comprehensive list of procedures, including orthopaedics, general surgery, plastic surgery, urology, ear nose & throat surgery, obstetrics, gynaecology and dental surgery.
PDH is a safe hospital with exceptionally low surgical infection rates, a world class medication management system, 24-hour on call support from senior consultant physicians and anaesthetists, a doctor rostered onsite at all times, a skilled nursing and allied health workforce and modern facilities and equipment. PDH also has a comprehensive education program to ensure all staff have the skills to keep patients safe and well cared for during their stay at PDH.
Patients are better off if they can have procedures done close to home. Research shows that care provided close to home assists recovery – it means patients’ support network of friends and family can readily be involved in supporting our patients on the road to home.
PDH also has private rooms and facilities available for patients with private health insurance, plus it has rooms with magnificent views of the Portland Harbour.
It also offers seamless links to home-based care and support services in preparation for discharge.
PDH has short elective surgery waiting lists – well below the state average.
Remember It’s OK to ask – can I have a referral to Portland District Health?
For more information call 0355221410